
Brooke Bottrell
(08) 8296-2678
0434 072 095


$14 (permanent) / $18 (casual)

$22 (permanent) / $26 (casual)

Vacation Care:
$60 (base rate)
$70 (for incursions and excursions)


7:00am– 8:30am


These are the full fees charged before your Child Care benefit reduction, to register for Childcare benefit , contact Centrelink and quote 555 009 299C for Before and After School and 407 112 601B for Vac Care.
N.B. On the last day of each school term, when classes are dismissed one hour early, the OSHC program commences at 2:10pm
Behavior code and child protection

The OSHC Program is committed to pursuing the school policy on behaviour code.
The basic school rules are

1) respect the rights of others to work and play

2) care for the property of others and the school and OSHC environment

3) play and move around the school safely at all times.

Consideration and respect is expected between all interaction with students and staff at all times. Harassment of any type will not be tolerated.

The full student behaviour code can be viewed at the front office.

Fees and Funding

The above fees are the full price, but most families are eligible for fee reductions, with the childcare benefit available through the FAO Office. To apply for this reduction, telephone 13 61 50. You will then be issued with a percentage rating, based on your predicted income, which will determine your fee.


If you have more than one child in any form of childcare, you will be entitled to a further reduced rate at either the two child or maximum three child rate.

The OSHC service is a self-funded, non-profit making service, and failure to pay fees affects the programs offered by the service. The fees are kept to a minimum, and it is important, that parents pay their contribution on a regular basis to ensure the program remains viable and operates effectively. Repeated non payment of fees could result in your child being refused access to OSHC.

Accounts are processed weekly and must be paid by the 7 days due date. but payment may be made on the day if used in a once only situation. Payment can be made either at the front office or the OSHC / Vac Care Centre.

If making payments at OSHC, correct money is required, as money is not kept on the premises.

If children are not picked up by 6pm or is dropped off before 7am, a fee of $1 per minute applies before/after that time


Basically, all children are entitled to use the OSHC program, however, a system for determining priority of access may be used if the numbers are above the allocated childcare places.

In this event, preference must be given in a specified order of priority.

1) Children at risk of physical, mental or emotional abuse, or a child with special needs.

2) Children of parents who are working or studying.

3) Children who attend to enable their parents to have some parental respite.

Further prioritizing, if necessary, will be made in the following order:

1) Current enrolled users of OSHC

2) Families within the school

3) Families within the broader community

Endeavours will be made to accommodate all children who wish to attend, but may not always be possible.


To attend the OSHC and Vac Care program, children must be registered. We advise you to register your child and apply for the Child Care Benefit for both before and after school, even if you don’t intend to use the service, as the facilities are then available in the event of an emergency. Registration forms are available from the office, or from the OSHC room. It is most important forms are filled in fully and accurately, so the staff are aware of any special needs or problems which could affect your child.


It is most important to fill in all the names of people authorised to collect your child, and if there is any change to the names nominated, that the service is notified immediately. New registration forms must be completed each year, Vac Care programs are advertised firstly amongst regular OSHC users, then across the school and later within the broader community. Please register quickly as this program fills quickly.

OSHC bookings can be made either with the front office or through OSHC staff with 24hrs notice as this allows us to provide appropriate staffing. In emergencies, late bookings can be made by ringing oshc on 0434072095. All sessions booked for the Vac Care program must be paid in full unless a sickness certificate is provided.

Children who have not been picked up from school by 3:30pm will be placed in the OSHC program and parents will be required to pay the fee. Similarly children who are in the school grounds before 8:30am, will be placed in OSHC and the

Non Attendance

If your child is a regular user, or a casual user who has been booked in, it is essential to give OSHC or school staff 48hrs notice of your cancellation. If your child is sick a medical certificate is required. If 48hrs notice is not received a standard fee for a permanent booking will be charged.

Policy Statements

These are available for families to read in the OSHC Room.

Collection of Children

Staff will not allow your child to be collected by any person whose name has not been nominated by you, with out your permission either by phone or letter.


Please be aware that this is very important as it is a requirement of the FAO that your child is signed in on arrival and out on departure. A register for this purpose is just beside the exterior door.

Failure to sign your child in and out could result in the cancellation of your Child Care Benefit.

As our license expires at 6pm, it is essential that children are collected by that time.

A fine of $1 per minute is imposed if parents collect their children after 6pm or leave them before 7am. If you fail to collect your child or notify staff by 6pm the following steps will be taken.

1) A staff member will attempt to contact a parent

2) If the parent cannot be contacted, staff will contact one of the emergency contact numbers, nominated by the parent.

3) If that proves fruitless, staff will contact the local Community Welfare Office, Crisis Care, or the Police.

4) If these measures fail, the Director will notify the management committee, and care for the child appropriately, until the parents are able to be contacted.

If you know you are running late, please ring the Director, on 0434072095


The purpose of OSHC is to provide a safe, caring and relaxed environment, where all children are treated equally.


OSHC is available to working and studying parents, or to those who need respite, and offers children a range of recreational and social activities, including sport, arts and craft, creative games and many board, constructive and instructive games.

Children are encouraged to make informed choices as to the activities they choose to fill their leisure time, including homework.

They are also encouraged to participate in planning the program and establishing rules and consequences outlining acceptable behaviour.

Parents are welcome to contribute by participation, suggestions and being active on the OSHC committee.

Vacation Care will include excursions as well as in-house activities, and the program is designed to maximize activity and recreation.

Programs are available prior to the holidays and bookings must be made.


Simple nutritious snacks are provided as part of both the before school and after school OSHC and Vac Care programs. These snacks comply with Healthy Eating Guidelines.


Parents are welcome to have a cup of tea or coffee and just relax while picking up your child/ren.