Principal’s Welcome

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Welcome to Warradale Primary School, a school with a proud history and strong community links.

A major redevelopment of our school is now entering the construction phase and is on track to be completed by September 2023. It will include five new classrooms, a serviced learning area, an integrated resource centre and modern administration block. Our outdoor basketball and netball courts will also be revamped, along with
a new 40 space staff/visitor car park, complementing our wetland, nature play and kitchen garden areas.

Our diverse and multicultural school community is regularly celebrated and we strive to develop confident and inquisitive, life-long learners. Our wonderful student support team, which includes an English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD) teacher, Bilingual School Support Officers, Aboriginal Community Education Officer and Pastoral Care Worker, work for all learners and their families. For the first time in 2023, we are also offering a fully supported PlayGroup for preschool children and families who may be considering our school for their primary school pathway.

Highly experienced educators collaborate and plan in professional learning communities to drive our priority areas of Reading and Mathematics. We are also developing more consistent whole-school approaches across all curriculum areas through implementation of the Department for Education’s units of work and alignment of all programs with scope and sequence resources.

Specialist educators deliver R-6 teaching and learning programs in Health and Physical Education, Japanese and The Arts (Music and Dance) and dedicated spaces for these subjects will be established once our new build is complete.

A Student Ambassador leadership structure provides senior students in Years 5 and 6 with opportunities to lead the younger members of our school, take action, and have an authentic voice in all aspects of our school’s function and improvement.

We are connected to SWIFT (Schools with Internet Fibre Technology) and have a range of electronic devices and platforms to support students to connect locally and globally. Students and educators in Years 3 to 6 have 1:1 access to Chromebook devices that are fully funded by the school. We are working with the Education Department’s Metro Support Team to continue the development of our whole school ICT capability and the
use of digital tools for learning. Through the Seesaw communication app, students, teachers and families can communicate, interact and share evidence of learning in real time.

All student enrolment inquiries are welcome and families considering our school are encouraged to complete the online intent to enrol form on our website. Principal Tours are offered the first Wednesday of each month.

We are committed to providing all students and families with a world class education experience and we hope you will join us as we enter an exciting new era at our wonderful school!

With kindest regards,

Josh Vick